ぷよぷよイベント セガ公式大会「Puyo Puyo Global Match」 画像

セガ公式大会「Puyo Puyo Global Match」

11/30 13:00 〜 11/30 22:00
10/24 17:00 〜 11/18 00:00
2024/10/24 17:00 〜 11/18 00:00
応募数: 5
2024/11/30 13:00 〜 11/30 22:00
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「Puyo Puyo Global Ranking Series」について▼

セガ公式大会「Puyo Puyo Global Match」

Nintendo Switch™用ソフト『ぷよぷよテトリス2』

当大会はセガ公式が開催する「Puyo Puyo Global Ranking Series(以下シリーズ)」
当シリーズでは各大会の戦績により「Global Point」を参加選手に付与いたします。
セガ公式「Puyo Puyo Global Ranking Match」(オンライン)に招待し、本年の優勝者を決定いたします。
優勝者は2025年3月に開催予定の「ぷよぷよグランプリ 2025 ファイナル」への出場権を付与します。

協賛: 株式会社アイ・オー・データ機器、プーマジャパン株式会社
協力: テックウインド株式会社、ハーマンインターナショナル株式会社

開催日                   :2024年11月30日(土)
時間        :チェックイン    日本時間 13:00(予定) 
          ラウンド①開始  日本時間 14:30(予定) 
          ラウンド②開始  日本時間 17:45(予定) 
                               大会終了予定   日本時間 21:00(予定) 
形式                      :オンライン
プラットフォーム     :Nintendo Switch™用ソフト『ぷよぷよテトリス2』

 ・「Puyo Puyo Global Match」出場エントリー規約」に同意できる方
 ・Nintendo Switch™用ソフト『ぷよぷよテトリス2』でオンライン対戦ができる環境を自ら用意できる方


・「ぷよぷよeスポーツ」のレート 2,999以下


 ラウンド①:各カテゴリー上限128名(2カテゴリーあわせて最大256名)として、最大16グループ各8名で設定 リーグ戦

■「Global Point」付与について
本大会はエントリー、戦績に応じて「Global Point」を付与します。

部門 エントリー ベスト16 ベスト8 ベスト4 準優勝 優勝
Bクラス 5pt 10pt 15pt 20pt 25pt 30pt
Sクラス 7pt 20pt 35pt 50pt 70pt 100pt


  ・ ぷよぷよキャンプにご登録いただき、必要事項入力の上、本ページ最上部よりエントリーください。


ラウンド① 出場選手を16ブロックに分け、リーグ予選を実施。各ブロックの1位の選手名ラウンド②に進出。
勝利条件: 5本先取

ラウンド② ラウンド①でリーグ予選を勝ち上がった全16名にて、シングルイリミネーショントーナメントを実施し、順位を決定。



使用タイトル Nintendo Switch™用ソフト『ぷよぷよテトリス2』
使用ルール VSルール
対戦人数 2人対戦
採用バージョン 大会開催時点での最新バージョンを適用して試合を行います
使用キャラクター キャラクターを選択する際は、ぷよぷよを使うことを選択してください
おぷしょん キーそうさせってい:変更可/色ちょうせい:変更可
インターネット→クラブ→VS→たいせん の画面にて、ルームを作成してください。


 ・Nintendo Switch™用ソフト『ぷよぷよテトリス2』
 ・Nintendo Switch™本体
  ※試合は同時進行のため選手1名につき、Nintendo Switch™を1台 ご用意ください。
 ・Nintendo Switch Onlineへの加入
  ※オンラインプレイには、Nintendo Switch Onlineの加入が必要になります。







▪ Event
Puyo Puyo Global Match

▪ Game
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 for Nintendo Switch™

▪ Overview
Puyo Puyo Global Match is an official tournament that is part of the Puyo Puyo Global Ranking Series.
This event will bring together Puyo Puyo players from around the world.
Participants at each event will be awarded global points based on their performance.
Those with the most points by the end of the tournament circuit will be invited.
to an official online SEGA tournament, Puyo Puyo GLOBAL RANKING MATCH, in January next year.
Whoever wins will be invited to the PUYO PUYO GRAND PRIX 2025 Finals which will be held in March 2025.


▪ Partners/Supporters
Partners: I-O DATA DEVICE, INC., PUMA Japan K.K.
Supporters: Tekwind Co., Ltd., Harman International Japan Co Ltd

▪ Event Details
Date: November 30, 2024
Time: Check-in Japan time 13:00 (tentative) 
          Round 1 begins 14:30 Japan time (tentative) 
          Round 2 begins 17:45 Japan time (tentative) 
※Start time for Round 2 will change as the tournament progresses. 
          Tournament ends 21:00 Japan time (scheduled) 

Format: Online
Platform: Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 for Nintendo Switch™

▪ Eligibility Requirements
 Age: 6 and above 
 - Must accept the Entry Agreement.
 - Must have an internet connection able to support Online Matches in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.
 - Must be able to pay for their own expenses, including online access to the platform, internet, and travel costs.
 - Must be able to use Discord on either their PC or mobile device.

(Instructions for the official tournament tools will be provided separately.)
- Must use official Nintendo controllers or controllers officially licensed by Nintendo.
- Must have an X (formerly Twitter) account that is capable of sharing gameplay recordings that tournament organizers can use to verify match results.
- Minors must have consent from a parent or guardian to participate.

(The laws of a participant's country of residence will be used to determine whether a participant is a minor.)
- Must be willing to comply with instructions from SEGA and tournament officials.

▪ Tournament Brackets
Participants will be able to enter via the following brackets:
- B-Class (must meet certain requirements)
- S-Class (no requirements)

▼ B-Class Requirements
Individuals who meet the following criteria may enter as B-Class competitors.
- Beginners who have just started playing Puyo Puyo games and aren't confident enough for a major tournament yet.
- Players who have already participated in a Puyo Puyo tournament, but have had very few wins.
- Puyo Puyo Champions players who have a Rating below 3,000.

*Tournament officials will examine your past records and may move you should they determine you are a better fit for a different bracket.
*Tournament officials will confer with you prior to the event, but they will make the final decision.
*Individuals who are eligible for B-Class may still choose to apply as an S-Class entrant.

▪ Tournament Proceedings and Number of Participants
 Round 1: 128 participants per bracket (256 participants in total)
Participants will be broken up into a maximum of 16 groups of 8 players and compete via league matches.
 Round 2: Top 16 participants per bracket
Participants will compete in a single elimination tournament until each category has a player crowned #1.

▪ Global Points
Participants will be awarded global points based on their performance in the tournament.
The number of points earned differs depending on the category.

Brackets Qualifiers Best 16 Best 8 Best 4 Semifinals Finals
B-Class 5 10 15 20 25 30
S-Class 7 20 35 50 70 100

*Points will be rewarded based on the final outcome. Qualifier points will not be added to the points from your final rank.
*A Puyo Puyo Camp account is required to receive points. (https://puyo-camp.jp/)
*The registration page is only available in Japanese. If any part of the page is difficult to understand, please use a translation application to complete the form.
*Participation points will be awarded to everyone who took part in the Qualifiers. Points will not be rewarded to individuals who withdraw or are absent.

▪ How to Register
  - Create a Puyo Puyo Camp  account and fill in the required information, and enter from the top of this page.

Registration Deadline: 11:59 PM on November 17, 2024 (JST)
    If the number of applicants exceeds a certain threshold, participants will be selected via a lottery.
*Japanese players are required to alphabetize their names. Please decide in advance.

▪ Application Results
A list of tournament participants will be posted the official SEGA website on November 22.
Official website: TBD
If your name is not included on the list, you will be unable to participate.

▪ Format of Each Tournament
Format: Online Tournament

Round 1 - Participants will be divided into 16 groups for the preliminary round. The #1 player of each group will advance to Round 2.
Victory Condition: First to 5 wins

Round 2 - The 16 participants who advanced past Round 1 will take part in a single-elimination bracket that determines their rank.
Victory Condition: First to 5 wins.

If multiple players finish Round 1 with the same win rate:
*Rankings within a group are determined by number of wins from highest to lowest.
The player with the larger score difference (number of wins - numbers of losses) will be receive a higher rank.
If multiple players have identical score differences:
If 2 tied players are tied, a tiebreaker match will be held and the winner will receive the higher rank.
If 3 players are tied, the first player to win 2 league matches receives the higher rank.
The tournament's communications may display the rankings differently than what is written above. However, please note that the tournament's proceedings will ultimately follow what is outlined in the tournament regulations.

▪ Participation Cost
*Participants are responsible for paying fees such as those for any software, online gaming platforms, consoles, and peripherals they use while participating in the tournament.

This includes internet fees and other related expenses.

■ Basic Regulations
Title Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 for Nintendo Switch™
*Matches will be conducted using the most up-to-date version of the game at the time of the tournament.
Mode Versus Mode
*Players may only choose Puyo Puyo
Players 2
Version The most up-to-date version of the game at the time of the tournament
Approved Controllers
Nintendo controllers or controllers licensed by Nintendo
Characters Must select character with Puyo Puyo gameplay enabled
Settings Adjustments to Controls: OK, Adjustments to Color Blind Settings: OK
How to
Set Up a Room
Create a room by following the menu in this order: Online > Free Play > Versus > Battle
Room Settings: Privacy: Private, Playstyle: Puyo Puyo, Connection: No Filter, Allow Spectating: Enabled
Game Settings
▪ Match Settings
Set Count: None, Win Count: 5
▪ Players

All other settings should be set to Default.
Quick/Hard Drop: Default, Margin Time: 96Minimum Chain: None, Garbage Rate: 70, Puyo Pop Limit: 4, Comeback Assist: Off

● Required Items
 - Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 for Nintendo Switch™
 - Nintendo Switch™ console
  *So that all matches can proceed at the same time, each player must prepare 1 Nintendo Switch™ console.

 - An official Nintendo controller or one officially licensed by Nintendo
 - A Nintendo Switch Online membership
  *A subscription to Nintendo Switch Online is required for online play.
 - A stable internet connection (Using a LAN cable is strongly recommended)
 - The tool listed below
  Discord: The official platform for communication between players and tournament staff
  *Available on PC and mobile
 • Replays
  Please be sure to save a replay of your match.

• Network Issues During Online Matches
 - If the match is unable to start due to technical difficulties, please report to tournament officials so they can determine how to proceed.
 - If a connection error occurs in the middle of a match for any reason, it is considered a loss for the player who lost their internet connection.

 However, a rematch is possible if both players agree to it. In the event of a rematch,
both players will continue with the same score they had prior to the issue. If the same player encounters another connection error during the rematch,
they automatically lose.
- If the players cannot determine which party is having network issues, tournament officials will make the final decision.

Players may need to submit footage of the match so that tournament officials can come to a decision.
- If there is an issue between players that they cannot resolve, please report to tournament officials

so they can determine how to proceed.
- Tournament officials are allowed to join matches as spectators. If an official experiences a network error, play will resume from after the last-recorded match.

- Using third-party tools or receiving outside help is considered cheating. In the event that a player is caught cheating, their score will be invalidated and they will lose the right to participate in any future tournaments.

• Lag
 Lag can occur when players from different regions play against each other online.
 It is recommended that players use a wired connection to ensure the best playing experience.

• Tournament Proceedings
 The tournament staff will provide a detailed schedule of the event through their official X (formerly Twitter) account.

*Please make sure that you can receive direct messages from SEGA's official X account, @EsportsSega,
 On the day of the event, communication between the tournament's administrators and competitors

will be handled via Discord.

The participants will mediate their own matches and the results of the matches will be recorded via Discord.
*Please communicate in Japanese or English during the convention.

Livestreaming: Streaming of the tournament will commence from Round 2.

• Official Tools for the Tournament
Participants must have an X (Twitter) and a Discord account.
Parents or guardians must help minors sign up for these platforms and supervise their use.
Due to the presence of age-restricted content on both platforms, it is important that the user reads and abides by their Terms and Conditions.

■ Regarding Inquiries
Please direct any inquires about participation in the tournament to the address below.

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